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“Searching for Solidarity in EU Asylum and Border Policies” (Bruxelles, 26-27 febbraio 2015)

The Odysseus Network’s 1st Annual Conference on Solidarity. Registration is now open


The organisers


The Odysseus Academic Network, in cooperation with the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) of the European University Institute (EUI), will hold a conference on Solidarity between Member States in the EU policies on Asylum and Borders in Brussels on Friday 26 and Saturday 27 February 2016.


The objectives of the conference


The three types of solidarity (financial, physical and operational) present in the EU will be analysed throughout the different presentations and panels. The conference is legally and policy oriented, but will include practical aspects as well as presentations on relevant issues such as the international law perspective, statistics, and reflections on international relations. It will give the audience the opportunity to explore the most important policy developments from 2015 related to solidarity, key upcoming proposals from the Commission regarding Frontex and Dublin, and the position of the main stakeholders and of Western, Eastern and Southern Member States of the EU as well as of third countries.


The structure of the conference


The conference will start by addressing the specificities of solidarity in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice in comparison with other EU policies as well as with the situation in third countries such as Turkey.

The second session, focussing on EU Asylum Policy, will be devoted to the delicate issue of the relocation of asylum seekers between Member States, and establishing the right balance between solidarity and responsibility in relation to the upcoming revision of the Dublin Regulation.

The final session will analyse to which extent the current EU institutional framework and, in particular, the status of the relevant agencies (Frontex and EASO), foster solidarity. The Commission proposals made on 15 December to strengthen Frontex will be critically analysed, as well as the need to revise the mandate and structure of EASO. It will also address the functioning of “Hotspots”.

The speakers & the audience


Speakers and audience will include academics as well as policy-makers from EU Institutions and Agencies (Commission, Council, Parliament, Frontex, EASO), Member States and third countries, as well as stakeholders such as representatives from NGOs and the UNHCR. Sufficient space will be left for question and answer sessions and discussions between the speakers and the audience.


To read the detailed programme, click here.


Registration for the 250 available places is now open. To register, click here.


Participation Fees: 95 Euro

Please contact Nicole Bosmans ( for more information.

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