
Osce-Angelicum. Confronting Inequality (Roma, 30 novembre 2015)

The economic inequality and exclusion affecting so many people in the world today often stem as much from distortions in relationships and values as from a lack of material resources. The faith traditions contain rich and diverse resources to be mobilised in the search for social inclusion and economic opportunity. Join scholars and students from a variety of religious and belief backgrounds for an afternoon of lively discussion. 

Open to all. 

Please register here. (

La lingua dell’evento è inglese, ma è possibile porre domande o fare piccoli interventi in italiano, e prevediamo di avere anche gruppi di discussione in italiano


Conference venue:

Aula XI

Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), 

Largo Angelicum 1, 00184, Rome




14.00 Welcome: Fr Alejandro Crosthwaite OP, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, PUST (Angelicum);  Ursula Froese, Editor, Security Community, OSCE Secretariat


14.10: Introductory comments: Kishan Manocha, Senior Adviser on Freedom of Religion and Belief, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights;


14.20 Confronting Inequality and Building Economic Security for All – Perspectives from Faith Traditions

1.  Hinduism: Ms Bharti Tailor, Executive Director of the Hindu Forum of Europe 

2. Islam: Shaykh Haytham Tamim, Director, Shariah Solutions: A Consultancy Firm in Islamic Finance, and Vice President of the Association of Shariah Scholars in Islamic Finance (ASSIF) for Europe

3. Christianity (Catholicism): Sr Alessandra Smerilli, FMA, Professor of Economics at the Pontifical Atheneum “Auxilium” and the LUMSA in Rome


15.50 Coffee break


16.05 Personal Perspectives


16.30/16.40 Small group discussions


17.15 Plenary Session


18.00 Closing and aperitivo


This Helsinki 40 plus event is organized by the OSCE Communication and Media Relations Section and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in partnership with the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome.


Economic security is one of the main dimensions of the OSCE’s work. At the same time, the Organization seeks to advance freedom of religion or belief and inter-religious dialogue as important means to promote stability and security, including economic security, in the societies that make up the OSCE region.

The Faculty of Social Sciences at the Angelicum provides an integral formation in the major social sciences, including economics, that builds ethics and insights from the wisdom traditions, Christianity in particular, into its approach and which aims to contribute to peaceful, innovative societies based on social justice. 


About Helsinki 40 plus


“Honour the past by celebrating the future”


The Helsinki 40 plus outreach events take the 40th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act as an opportunity to look forward. They combine the perspectives of academic experts, practitioners working for the OSCE and an actively engaged audience to explore aspects of the OSCE that are not in the political limelight yet essential to its work.  Three events are being held in 2015 in three cities: Kyiv, Reykjavik, Rome.

• “OSCE and Citizens”, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, 19 October 2015

• “Small States and the OSCE”, Centre for Small State Studies, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 13 November 2015

• “Confronting Inequality”, Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome, 30 November 2015


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