
Il portale dell'immigrazione e degli immigrati in Italia


Salerno: 172 migrants disembark from NGO ship. Among them, 55 unaccompanied minors

Rome, 26 June 2023 – The Aita Mari ship from the NGO Salvamento Maritimo Humanitario has docked at the port of Salerno, Italy, carrying 172 migrants rescued off the coast of Lampedusa. Among them are 55 unaccompanied minors, four accompanied children aged three to ten, and two accompanied infants. All of them are in good health and have tested negative for COVID-19, but they will undergo further medical examinations upon disembarkation.

Francesco Russo, the Prefect of Salerno, stated that the migrants will be accommodated partly in the province of Salerno and partly in other provinces of the Campania region. He also mentioned that they are all of Sub-Saharan African origin, with many originating from Mali and Burkina Faso.

Giancarlo Conticchio, the Police Chief, emphasized that no critical situations have been reported at the moment, but further investigations will be conducted to ascertain the circumstances of the rescue and to determine if any smugglers are among the migrants.

Paola de Roberto, the City of Salerno’s Councilor for Social Policies, highlighted the importance of not only providing assistance during the disembarkation phase but also following up on the migrants’ paths to ensure a better future for them.

Archbishop Andrea Bellandi of Salerno, present at the port, stated that the city is always ready to welcome migrants. He mentioned that the Church, following the Pope’s teachings, cannot do anything but stand in solidarity with these brothers and sisters who seek a different life and hope from where they come from.

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