
Il portale dell'immigrazione e degli immigrati in Italia


The real southern issue: emigration over immigration

Rome, 22 May 2024 – Luca Bianchi, Director General of Svimez, highlighted a critical issue at an event in Palermo focused on migrants, organized by the Southern Unipol Regional Councils Coordination. Contrary to the prevailing political discourse centered around immigration, Bianchi emphasized that the true emergency for Southern Italy is the emigration of young people and adults to Northern Italy or abroad.

Bianchi stated, “What all Southern families perceive is that the emigration, whether for work, health care, or education, is significantly impacting our region. In 2022, the number of Sicilians who left was far greater than the number of immigrants arriving.” This demographic shift underscores the urgent need for better services and opportunities to retain residents and attract new talent.

The numbers paint a stark picture: if current trends continue, Sicily’s population could decrease by 40% by 2080. To avoid this demographic decline, Bianchi argues for a strategic focus on enhancing local services. “Offering better services means improving education, healthcare, and providing jobs with decent wages. This is essential not only to keep our people but also to attract talent from around the world.”

The solution, according to Bianchi, lies in addressing the root causes of emigration. By improving the quality of life through better schools, healthcare, and job opportunities, Southern Italy can create a more sustainable and appealing environment for its residents and newcomers alike.

In summary, while immigration dominates political debates, the pressing concern for Southern Italy is the outflow of its own people. Addressing this issue requires a concerted effort to improve local services and economic conditions, ensuring a vibrant and thriving future for the region.

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