
Dublin III, two years on. Asylum seekers and refugees in the EU and beyond (Venezia, 19 -21 giugno 2015)

Iscrizioni entro il 21 maggio


The European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) organises an innovative training seminar focusing on “Dublin III, two years on. Asylum seekers and refugees in the EU and beyond” from 19 to 21 June 2015 at the Monastery of San Nicolò, Venice-Lido.
Programme Objective
The training seminar aims at providing participants with tools for better understanding and use of the Dublin III regulation and of the other relevant international and European legal instruments governing this highly sensitive policy area.
What you can expect:
The Dublin III Regulation, agreed in 2013, determines the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in one of the EU countries by a third country national or a stateless person. As such it raises crucial issues within the EU system of protection of asylum seekers, which are all going to be covered in the programme. These include:

  • human rights, asylum and migration flows,
  • the common European asylum system: old and new challenges,
  • application of the Dublin regulation,
  • Dublin transfer procedures in EU states: compared analysis,
  • EU law system facing humanitarian crises, and
  • challenges to the most vulnerable groups

Well-known lecturers
The training seminar will be conducted by internationally renowned experts such as Paolo De Stefani, researcher and aggregate professor on International Law at the School of Economics and of Political Science, University of Padua; Kristina Touzenis, Programme Manager at the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), and Lorenzo Trucco, President and co-founder of the Italian Lawyers’ Association for Legal Studies on Immigration (A.S.G.I).
Who should apply?
Legal practitioners (lawyers, judges, legal scholars, legal experts working for NGOs, etc.) involved in the analysis and implementation of asylum and refugee policies. You can find more information here.
Deadline for enrolment: 21 May 2015
Further details about the courseapplication procedure and fees can be found at this address:


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Stagionali extraue. Dall’ 8 maggio le domande di assunzione, mai così tardi

“Aspettando il Festival 2015” (Ravenna, maggio 2015)